1·I have never seen you blow your top before.
2·Don't blow your top over such a silly little mistake.
3·If you blow your top, you lose your temper, or suddenly become very angry.
如果你blow up your top,意思就是怒气冲天,或者突然大发雷霆。
4·Today on Language Snacks we take a look at the expression blow your top . Let’s listen to the dialogue.
今天的语言小点心节目我们来学一下blow up your top 这个短语,一起来听下面的对话。
5·After blow-drying your hair at night, put it up in a high, loose bun on the top of your head, secure with a clip, then go to sleep.
6·This is a voiceless sound. Put your top teeth slightly over your bottom lip and blow out air quickly. Your tongue should be flat in your mouth.